Valentines Day are not just for lovers; mommies can also celebrate this special event their kids. For this week's Mommy Moments theme, it is about love notes for their children. I am a very sentimental person, in fact I am weak when it comes to my children. But I have this belief that I should not show my weakness to my children because they depend on my strength. So for my Tres Muskiteros, here is mommy's special love note:
Jeon, Kuya Gab, Kuya Jet |
Dear Kuya Jet,
I would like you to know that I love you very much. You are my first baby and you will always be special to me. You have witnessed my struggles in life and during those times, you never left my side. You have seen me cry for so many reasons, and yet you never questioned any of my wrong decisions. Now that you are growing up to be a young man, I hope that I have inculcated good values in your life that may come in handy as you begin your own journey in life. Remember that I may not show it often, but I love you and I am proud to be your mom.
Dear Kuya Gab,
You may think that I don't love you as much as I love your brothers; but that is definitely not true. I love you with all my heart, and it pains me to see you grow without confidence. You are special to me and you are well-loved by your brothers, Tito Joey and the rest of the family. Do not think that you are inferior because all of us are special in God's eyes. I hope that you get over this awkward phase in your life. Remember that life is not always fair and good; as much as I want to protect you from all harm I cannot to do so. That is why it is important that you learn to take care of yourself and be strong. It is a tough world out there, there is no place for the weak and that is a harsh reality. I want you to grow up confident and secure of yourself. I love you so much and I am proud of you.
Dear Bunso Jeon,
I am so thankful that God has given you to me and your Dad; you made our lives complete and you remain to be the string that binds us together. You may be young but you are one smart little boy. You have so many questions and you are very curious about what's happening. You smile brightens the entire home;and you love your brothers so dearly. At an early age you have displayed how you value your family, I hope that as you grow old you would still have that kind of attitude. Just like your kuyas, I love you too with all my heart.
Happy Valentines Day to you my Tres musketeros and I always pray to God that He would allow me to live longer to watch you grow. I am afraid to leave this world without knowing that you have achieved your dreams. If that time arrives earlier that what we hoped for, I hope that you will still love one another. Mommy may always nag or may sound unappreciative, but deep in my heart I only want the best for you. I love you so much and again, Happy Valentines Day.